In today's digital age, where screens bombard us with information from every direction, the timeless allure of print media stands out as a beacon of focused engagement.
In today's digital age, where screens bombard us with information from every direction, the timeless allure of print media stands out as a beacon of focused engagement. Targeting features in newspapers and magazines offer a tangible and immersive experience, allowing businesses to connect with their audience in a meaningful way.
Whether it's the morning ritual of flipping through the pages over coffee or the leisurely perusal of a favourite magazine, print media provides a unique opportunity to captivate readers and leave a lasting impression. With carefully crafted content and strategic placement, businesses can harness the power of print to evoke emotion, spark curiosity, and drive action, making it an enduring and effective method for capturing the public's attention.

What Does Print Advertising Involve?
Collaborate closely with your business to thoroughly understand business objectives, target market, and branding strategies
Conduct market research and analysis to identify key demographics, trends, and competitor activities related to the print advertising campaign
Develop comprehensive print advertising strategies that effectively communicate your businesses message and resonate with your target audience
Utilise creative thinking and design skills to craft visually captivating print ads that not only capture attention but also reinforce the client's brand identity and messaging
Stay updated on the latest design trends, printing technologies, and industry best practices to ensure the highest quality and relevance of print advertisements
Identify and evaluate various print publications, newspapers, magazines, and other platforms that reach your desired target audience effectively
Establish and maintain relationships with print media outlets, negotiating advertising rates, placement options, and other terms to maximise the impact of your campaign within budget constraints
Implement tracking mechanisms and analytics tools to monitor the performance of your print ads, measuring metrics such as ad impressions, response rates, conversion rates, and ROI
Provide you with regular reports and insights, demonstrating the value and impact of your print advertising efforts and offering recommendations for future campaigns

With 20+ years of experience, we are more than capable of providing your target audience with aesthetically-appealing content across print mediums.
A wide demographic of newspaper readers still remain, regardless of digital media’s modern growth, and research shows this audience continue to show engaged and proactive characteristics.
Our team will produce text and media included in your print, and distinguish the optimal placement and location of distribution. Dependent on your brand, our experienced team will look at penetrating specific market points where interest for product will resonate.
Who We've Worked With

Why Champions (UK) plc?
The Champions team will keep you informed every step of the way regarding any content decisions, whilst developing eye-catching online advertisements that produce considerable amounts of noise amongst the masses.
Our 20+ year journey from start-up to an award-winning growth partner has provided our workforce with an appreciation for both national and local advertisement. We have delivered quality print advertising for a number of widely recognised brands, helping them to directly appeal to their intended consumer market.